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Volunteer Awards

DSHA Service Award

Annually awarded to a select group of individuals who believe in and are loyal to the mission of DSHA and who have made outstanding contributions to DSHA as volunteers through time and talent within this past school year.

2023-24 Recipients

Jen Walker
Sara Yordan Di Benedetto, DSHA '08
Amy Basile
Sarah Herrle Ripp, DSHA '08 
Laura Russell
Julie Felser
Martha Connolly
Tanya Baynes
Heather Mehring Grams, DSHA ‘97 
John and Mary Ellen Krueger 
Not pictured:
Duc Correa
Christine Finerty
Katie Hartzheim
Maria Schmelzer
­­­­Bridget Hegarty Johnson, DSHA '95 
Nora Langenfeld
Mandy Quesnell
Jim Harwood
Julie Rehmann
Aimee Walsh
Jill Timm
Beth Czarnecki Megan Hambrook 
Pamela Alvarado-Lopez 

Spirit of DSHA Award

Recipients of this award believe in and are loyal to the mission of DSHA. These individuals enthusiastically serve as global ambassadors for DSHA and act as positive influences for the entire DSHA institution. They inspire other volunteers to excellence in service.

2023-24 Recipient:

Tracey Fricker

Emil and Freda Petrusek Award

The Emil and Freda Petrusek Award for Excellence in Service is given to those who believe in and are loyal to the mission of DSHA and enthusiastically serve as ambassadors of DSHA in and outside the community while serving as a positive influence for all people, programs, and policies of and about DSHA and inspiring others to excellence in service for over 10 years.

2023-24 Recipient:

Moe Tarantino

Past Recipients:

List of 4 items.

  • Emil & Freda Petrusek Award

    2024  |  Moe Tarantino
    2022  | 
    Therese Pickart, DSHA ’85 
    2021  | 
    Mary Prescott, Ronald Ripley
    2018  | 
    Mike Bartel, Meg Boyle, DSHA '76
    2017  |
      John Wanninger
    2014  |  Carla La Valle Olle, HA ’60
    2013  |  Bill Burkhart, Mary Beth Piehl
    2011  |  Studio 890
    2008  |  Bill & Sue Ognacevic
    2007  |  Kim Sullivan
    2006  |  Larry & Jane Kean, Judy Shiely King, DSHA ’73
    2004  |  Chris Oldam McDermott, DSHA ’76
    2002  |  Joan End, Patty Grum
    2000  |  Carolyn Megal
    1999  |  Mike Daniels, Irene Ferensevich, Dick & Florence Merten Fridl, HA ’45, Ron Ranieri, Margaret Vollmer, DSHA ’96
    1998  |  James & Kathy Zajc Kurtz, HA ’63
    1997  |  Judy Starck Bultmann, DS ’57, Dan Cortez
    1996  |  Emil & Freda Petrusek
  • Sarah Hegarty Loyalty & Caring Award

    2023  |  Mary Beth Piehl
  • Spirit of DSHA Award

    2024  |  Tracey Fricker
    2023  |
      S. Carol Jean Zais
    2021  |  Laura Lois
    2018  | 
    Steve Bane, Emilia Melendez, Mary Stoiber
    |  Bob Wissing
    2016  |  Maria Haas Tess, HA ’68
    2015  |  Lori Dallman, Alex Dittrich, Eduardo Perea, Mike Taylor
    2014  |  Gina Tegge
    2013  |  Tina D’Alessio, Eileen and Peter Segatti
    2012  |  Ann Swain, Sue Thelen
    2011  |  Meg Druml Boyle, DSHA ’76, Carrie Wirtz Sanders, DSHA ’75, Lori Yordan
    2010  |  S. Shirley Forbes, SSSF, Dean and Mary Klinger
    2009  |  Sue Ellen Readinger
    2008  |  Bruce and Lori Arnold, Michael Bartel, Mike & Nancy Hansen, Joanne Shiely
    2007  |  Dan Knippel
    2006  |  Holly Blake, Scott Blake
    2005  |  Jeff & Sue Becherer, John & Susan Jones McNally, HA ’69
    2004  |  Vince Shiely, Molly Monday Schmidt, DSHA ’88
    2003  |  Kathy Ensslin, Mary Beth Piehl
    2002  |  Kevin & Sue Roche
    2001  |  Paul & Ellen Seifert
    2000  |  Bz Hoag Doucette, HA ’69, Jim Hessling, Janice Essmann Weinfurt, DS ’66
    1999  |  Gloria Goss, Kathy Klein Ramstack, DS ’67, Lana Schumacher
    1998  |  Jane Niebler, DSHA ’99
    1997  |  James Ehrle
    1996  |  Fran Sorrenti Tollefson, HA ’65
  • Service Award

    Christine Finerty
    Katie Hartzheim
    Jen Walker
    Maria Schmelzer
    Sara Yordan Di Benedetto, DSHA '08 
    Amy Basile
    Sarah Herrle Ripp, DSHA '08 
    Laura Russell
    ­­­­Bridget Hegarty Johnson, DSHA '95 
    Nora Langenfeld
    Mandy Quesnell
    Julie Felser
    Martha Connolly
    Tanya Baynes
    Jim Harwood
    Julie Rehmann
    Aimee Walsh 
    Jill Timm
    Beth Czarnecki 
    Heather Mehring Grams, DSHA ‘97 
    Megan Hambrook
    John and Mary Ellen Krueger 
    Pamela Alvarado-Lopez 
    Duc Correa

    Maria Schmelzer
    Stephanie Niederjohn
    Kate Pawlowski
    Mimi Goller
    Monique Conley, DSHA ‘98
    Christine Finerty
    Maureen Tarantino
    Megan and David Daily
    Suzy Koehn
    Megan Hambrook
    Angela Lenzen, DSHA ‘98
    Brenda VanHimbergen

    Natalie Rifelj
    Bill Seemann
    Liz Drame
    Dea Wright
    Mimi Schwarz
    Tricia Ognar
    Tim Dondlinger
    Marianne Szymanski, DSHA ’85 

    Brian Besler
    Julie Daleiden
    Andrew & Nikki Deguire
    Maureen Kenfield
    Sue Lappen
    Mary Jo Maslowski
    Laura Mullen
    Kim Novotny
    Jane Pfaff, DSHA '89
    Erin Strohbehn, DSHA '98
    Moe Tarantino
    Meagan Wigchers
    Margaret Wittkowske
    Monica Zela-Koort

    Bob & Theresa Biwer
    Brian & Carolyn Butler
    Deb Campbell
    Miriam Falk
    Anne Grogan, DSHA ’88
    Nicole Koenings
    Kelly Goss Mangan, DSHA ’95      
    Patti Miller
    Wendy Orthober
    Jacquie Rolfe
    Maryangela Roman
    Meagan Wigchers
    S. Carol Jean Zais
    Peter Beitzel
    Lisa Blair    
    Mary Brennan-Druml, DSHA ’80 
    Miriam Falk 
    David Gottfried
    Monica Jennaro
    Ginny Myszewski   
    Jim and Betsy Olson
    Steve and Lisa Schumacher
    Moe Tarantino
    Deacon Michael Thiel
    Dan and Sherri Walker
    Mariann Van Winkle
    Bob Wissing
    Kelly Yelle

    Mary Anderson   
    Kevin & Sheila Dunne
    Mike & Paula Ertz  
    Suzanne & Patrick Falvey
    Liz Fuller  
    John & Norma Herbers
    Nancy Klippel 
    Joe & Patty Kujawa
    Angela Kopriva
    Julie Malucha 
    Theo & Cindi Matt
    Susan Piekenbrock
    Karen Schlater, DSHA ’79
    Mike Taylor
    Lisa Volkert

    Maureen Burns
    Pam Coleman
    Lisa Feldmeier  
    Tom Genske
    Norma Herbers
    Kathy Hodan 
    Christine Keyes
    Jane & Joe Kerschner  
    Aimee Matchette
    Jim Schlater
    Barb Seidl
    Marita Walters
    Ann Walton
    Bob Wissing
    Margaret Wittkowske


    Sharon & Jim deGuzman
    Tom & Mary Genske
    John Hengel
    Jennifer Keough  
    Cheryl Koncar  
    Patrick McBride  
    Kate Meyer
    Shelley O’Malley
    Peggy Perlewitz
    John Roth
    Jim Schlater
    Scott & Nevart Shoenberger
    Mariann Van Winkle

    Jean Bitter    
    Kevin & Kathy Coakley    
    Lori Dallman 
    Jeannie Fuchs 
    Andy Gusho
    Tony Karabon
    Nancy Klippel 
    Vicki & Tony Kunz 
    Joe La Barbera 
    Jon & Cindy Leinfelder
    Richard Marks

    Melissa Moran
    Peggy Perlewitz
    Eileen Segatti

    Karen Baker
    Linda Bardele   
    Kelly Carroll
    Tina D’Alessio
    Katie Gerard Jendrach
    Andrea Palmisano
    Eduardo Perea
    Christa Pipitone
    Barb & Jeff Seidl
    Dan & Monica Tighe
    Tom & Cathy Valentyn
    Dennis & Michelle Whalen
    David Wierdsma

    Deb Brandenburg
    Bob & Jayne Carver
    S. Shirley Forbes  
    Mary Frieseke  
    Kevin & Debbie Koontz
    Doug & Laura Krystowiak 
    Katherine Kuchan   
    Pat LeBon    
    Kim Muench
    Trish Nunez
    Christa Pipitone
    Jack and Laurel Pope
    Andrea Palmisano Scrobel, DSHA ’88
    Eileen & Peter Segatti
    Laurie Seward

    Mary Ann Apfeld
    Meg & Jim Boyle
    Kelly Carroll  
    Gary Chmielewski   
    Dee & John Foley   
    Mary Ann Fritsch
    Sue Gryniewicz
    Lora Krystowiak
    Kate Molloy
    Sara Murphy
    Laura Nelson
    Gary & Kim Newman
    Jim Vogel

    Deb Brandenburg
    Annie DeHaven
    Julie Dreyer
    Laura Grebe
    Joannie Grzesiak
    Jeanne Herrle
    Julia Lorenc
    Sue Martin Steiner
    Dave & Kari Neville
    Gary Newman
    Ann Reardon
    Lori Yordan
    Margaret Dunn-Watson
    Susan Johnson
    Donna LaGuardia
    Joe & Kate Meloy
    Gary Newman
    Deb Nartonis
    Sue Ognacevic
    Jan Rustad
    Kim Schwab
    Sharon Zube Wilson


    Julie Beres
    Joannie & Mark Grzesiak
    Jeanne & Greg Herrle
    John Niemer
    Maureen O’Boyle
    Bill Ognacevic
    Sue Readinger
    Matt & Mary Caye Smith
    Sarah Hamrin Schulz
    Lori & Heberto Yordan

    Richard & Carolyn Arzenhofer
    Sheila Ashley
    Sheila Baker
    Margaret Dunn-Watson
    Deb Dwyer
    Ed & Sheila Fabiszak
    Meg Fox
    Sandy French
    Rick & Linda Goeden
    Rick & Linda Hext
    Terry & Holly Hoy
    Karen Knauf
    Chris Krieg
    Kathy Lauer
    Randy Mark
    Kevin & Teresa McBride
    Arlisia McHenry
    Chris McDermott
    Bruce & Sara Murphy
    Andrea Palmisano Scrobel, DSHA ’88
    Therese Novotny
    Bill Ognacevic
    Jim Podewils
    Pat and Leon Risser
    Louise Roepke
    Sarah Hamrin Schulz
    Gaylene Townsley
    Mary Anne Zupan

    Gael Cullen
    Kim Hafeman
    Patti Hammetter 
    Bob & Cathi Hunt
    Sue Schrimpf        
    Denise Lindberg
    John McDermott         
    Bob & Deb Nartonis
    Dennis & Lynn Potts
    Pat Taige

    Jeff & Sue Becherer
    Laura Bednall
    Jeff Kmecik
    Rob & Kathy Lauer
    Denise Lindberg
    Cathy Liska
    Joe & Dede Mallof
    Maureen O’Boyle
    Katie Pionkoski
    Susan Schrimpf
    Gregg Vosswinkel

    Marge Gagliano
    Chris McDermott
    John & Katie Mehan
    Molly Monday Schmidt
    Owen & Kim Sullivan
    Tom & Audrey Ticcioni

    Rick & Mardi Bridich        
    Tony & Janet Bova
    Kathy Gagas
    Peter & Kim Gohsman
    Linda Kiedrowski      
    Judy Makal Mackenzie
    Kevin & Sue Roche
    Jerry & Rose Rogall

    Bill & Therese Burkhart
    Liz Fehring
    Jean Risch

    Jean Risch
    Jane Holzhauer

    Dottie Biwer
    Gary Dulmes
    Jane Eschweiler
    Susan McNally
    Kathy Olen
    S. Elizabeth Oliver, SDS
    Carla La Valle Olle, HA ’60
    Lori Schramka
    Steve Steffke

    Ann LaValle Griswold
    Beverly Schemberger
    Janet Waud

    Bill & Barb Newby
    Bill & Patti Podewils
    Steve & Susie Steffke

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

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