Faith Formation

Annual Scriptural Theme

Be the Goodness & Kindness

Our school theme for each year comes from the core of our mission as a Salvatorian, Catholic school Be the Goodness and Kindness.

  • “May there be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another." - 1 Corinthians 12: 25  2024-2025 Scriptural Theme
  • "I came that they may have life and live it abundantly." John 10:10
    2023-2024 Scriptural Theme
  • “How good and kind it is when God’s people live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1
    2022 -2023 Scriptural Theme
  • “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” Titus 3:4
    2021 -2022 Scriptural Theme

Who do you say that I am? – Matthew 16:15
This is the question we hope each student can reflect on deeply during her time at DSHA. As people of faith, how we answer that question shapes not only our personal relationship with Jesus, but it also forms how we interact with the world and who we become. As a Salvatorian, Catholic school, we can echo Peter’s response to Jesus, "You are the Savior," and commit each day to making known the goodness and kindness of the Savior in all that we do. 

Goodness & Kindness Shapes Who We Are
As members of a Catholic community, each of us is called to be Jesus’ goodness and kindness to the world. So often we associate kindness as a superficial action that doesn’t make a difference. A smile to someone you pass on the street, the kind words you speak to someone who is down, or the picture you choose not to post on social media so someone doesn’t feel left out, may seem like an insignificant action in a world with such great upheaval. Our actions, no matter how small, become who we are.

As Saint Teresa of Avila* once said, “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet, but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on the world." It is our day-to-day commitment to being the goodness and kindness that makes Jesus known to the world. Moreover, it is our day-to-day actions that form us into who we are. This year, as a school faith community, we are focusing on how being the goodness and kindness can help us accept the gospel call to live lives that make a difference.

We all need goodness and kindness. This year, may we commit to living our faith through every interaction and spread the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ in all we do.

*St. Teresa is a special saint to DSHA and our students. As a doctor of the church and a woman of great faith, heart, and intellect, we ask for her intercession and rely on her wisdom regularly. Additionally, St. Teresa’s relics are interred in the ossuary of the DSHA chapel altar.

List of 2 items.

  • Be the Goodness & Kindness Means:

    • We assume positive intent.
    • We love and support one another.
    • We live the beatitudes.
    • We stand up for those in need.
    • We sacrifice for the wellbeing of others.
    • We forgive and reconcile.
  • Questions for Reflection:

    • How did Jesus live goodness and kindness? In his daily interactions with people? In his words? In how he lived his life?
    • How do I show others the goodness of the Savior? In my words? On social media? In my actions?
    • How am I kind to others and myself?
    • How could I be the goodness and kindness of the Savior to others in my daily interactions?
    • Do people know the goodness and kindness of God by my words and actions?

Scripture Passages for Reflection

List of 9 items.

  • Luke 6

  • Luke 7:1-10

  • Luke 19:1-10

  • Mark 5:21-34

  • Matthew 8:2-8

  • Matthew 26:26

  • John 4:4-26

  • John 8:1-11

  • John 13

What does it mean to be a Salvatorian school?

List of 5 items.

  • Salvatorian Mission

    As Salvatorians we are called and sent in mission to announce through our lives and actions the gospel message as contained in the key elements of the charism:
    • To make known the Savior.
    • To work for the fullness of life which is salvation.
    • To lead others to a conscious awareness of God.
    • To support one another in our apostolic commitment.
    • To involve others in the mission.
    • To emphasize the role of the lay apostle.
    • To proclaim the message to all people, everywhere and at all times, and to do this though whatever ways and means the love of Christ inspire.
  • The DSHA Mission

    Divine Savior Holy Angels High School is a Catholic college-preparatory high school for young women that excels at developing the whole person. Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior and grounded in their mission to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ, we develop our students into capable young women of faith, heart and intellect who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference.
  • The Mission of the Sisters of the Divine Savior

    To make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus, Savior of the world, and to foster an awareness of a loving God among peoples in whatever place and by whatever means the Spirit of God inspires. As women of faith striving to be given over to our God and open to all peoples, we collaborate to promote justice and improve quality of life in our world with a preferential option for the poor.

    Click here to learn more about the Sisters of the Divine Savior.
  • Salvatorian Spirituality

    Salvatorian spirituality is the way we as Salvatorians live out charism and mission in a concrete, day-to-day way. Specific elements of this spirituality are:
    • Knowing God, that is experiencing Godas the center of our lives.
    • Trusting in Divine Providence.
    • Living holiness as a vocation and helping others to do the same.
    • Manifesting the goodness and kindness of the Savior. ~ Titus 3:4
    • Being people of prayer.
    • Being poor in spirit.
    • Having apostolic zeal.
    • Living out truth, justice, solidarity, and faithfulness.
    • Being willing to bear the cross for the sake of the mission.
    • Loving inclusively.
    • Following the example of Mary by making the Savior known.
    • Loving the Church.
    • Living the simplicity of the daughters and sons of God.
  • Salvatorian Delegated Tasks

    • Improve the quality of life
    • Promote justice
    • Serve in solidarity with the poor
    • Collaborate
    • Practice responsible stewardship

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior
© 2017 Divine Savior Holy Angels High School. All Rights Reserved